July 8-12, 2024, Harare, Zimbabwe
As part of the Pan-African Statistical ProgramII (PAS II), Zimbabwe has successfully hosted a peer review of its National Statistical System (NSS). The review was conducted by senior statisticians from Ghana and Zambia, with the aim of assessing the country's statistical operations and ensuring alignment with international best practice.
Key areas of focus
The peer review focused on five key aspects of Zimbabwe's statistical system:
- Organization and coordination: Examining the effectiveness of the NSS structure.
- Quality of statistics: Ensuring compliance with international standards.
- Dissemination: Assessing the accessibility and usability of statistical products.
- Institutional arrangements: Assessment of legal framework and governance.
- Capacity building: Identification of staffing gaps and training needs.
Key findings
The review highlighted ZIMSTAT's significant progress in statistical production and its commitment to providing quality data. However, the reviewers identified areas for improvement, including modernizing the legal framework, improving the use of administrative data and updating the ZIMSTAT website to make it more interactive and user-friendly.
Recommendations for improvement
To strengthen the NSS, the review team proposed several key measures:
- Legal reforms: Update the Census and Statistics Act to reflect modern data practices and international principles.
- Capacity building: Increase the number of statisticians and ensure regular training throughout the NSS.
- Data accessibility: Create a central statistical database with interactive functions and disaggregated data.
- User engagement: Strengthen collaboration between data producers and users through regular meetings and forums.
A collaborative effort
The peer review was organized by the PAS II Program and STATAFRIC, with funding from the European Union and technical support from Expertise France. ZIMSTAT worked closely with stakeholders, including ministries, civil society organizations, academic institutions and international partners, to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive review process.
Future prospects
Zimbabwe is one of 15 African countries undergoing peer review as part of the PAS II initiative. This process aims to strengthen the African statistical system by encouraging collaboration, knowledge sharing and capacity building between member states.
Access the Report
Click here to download the full report and explore the detailed findings and recommendations shaping Zimbabwe statistical future.