Compiling survey data for better national accounts


More data sources must be compiled to improve impact evaluation in Africa. Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) represent national/regional databases for providing statistics for impact assessment models. Two training workshops (English and French sessions) were organized by the PAS II Service Contract to enhance capacities for SAM compilation and share national and regional experiences.


SAM tables represent an extension of national accounts tables, to which survey data are added. They thus compile Supply and use Tables (SUT), Incorporated Economic Account Tables (IEAT), surveys (household surveys, labor surveys) and other sources (trade statistics, satellite accounts, public finance statistics, etc.). The aim is to identify data requirements and to ensure statistical consistency for compilation.

Focus on SAM compilation

The aim of the workshop was to enhance participating countries capacities to compile national SAM. All steps were reviewed and balancing techniques applied in order to produce harmonized SAMs. Disaggregation techniques were presented according to the needs of SAM users (policy makers, academia, civil society, etc.).

Input from national experts

Each participating NSO provided an overview of national accounts and, if it produces any, presented its latest SAM. These presentations offered an opportunity to take stock of existing databases for impact evaluation, and to exchange best practices and needs on SAM compilation.

Recommendations to SAM compilation and dissemination

Recommendations were made for i) strengthening the capacity of national accountants to compile SAMs through training/workshops, bilateral technical assistance and study visits; ii) involve national accountants in the design and implementation of surveys and censuses used for national accounts compilation and SAM disaggregation (informal sector survey, household budget and consumption survey, labour force survey, etc.).


All countries were encouraged to request technical assistance and bilateral support for capacity building to compile SAM. In addition, participants were encouraged to continue interacting and sharing experiences and best practices through the PAS II MS Teams collaborative platform.


Each country was represented by two officers from the National Statistics Office (NSO).  For the French session, 9 countries (Algeria, Benin, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Morocco, Senegal, Togo and Tunisia) benefited from training facilitated by PASII senior expert François Ramdé (Burkina Faso); for the English session, 7 countries (Botswana, Egypt, Ghana, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia and Nigeria benefited from training facilitated by PASII senior expert Emilie Laffiteau (France). The workshop was conducted in the framework of the PAS II Service contract, financed by the European Union and managed by Eurostat, and implemented by Expertise France and STATAFRIC. The two sessions were held back-to-back in Lomé, Togo.