Statistics Norway hosted an important study visit organised by the African Union Institute for Statistics, STATAFRIC


On 22-26 April 2024, Statistics Norway hosted an important study visit organised by the African Union Institute for Statistics, STATAFRIC, in collaboration with Statistics Sweden. Our aim was to deepen our understanding of statistics related to forced displacement.

 We were joined by participants from various African Regional Economic Communities (#RECs) and partners such as the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Expert Group on Refugee, IDP, and Statelessness Statistics (EGRISS). Together, we sought to gain insights from the Norwegian experience of statistics on forced displacement.

 During the visit, we heard excellent presentations from key Norwegian organisations and institutions. Statistics Norway, Academia, the Tax Administration and the Directorate of Immigration provided valuable information on population registers and statistics, ID systems, immigration statistics and relevant studies conducted on these topics.

 The exchange of knowledge was of high quality and emphasised the importance of cooperation to improve statistics. With the support of partners such as Statistics Sweden, we are optimistic that statistics on forced displacement in Africa will improve in the medium and long term.